James Ricketson
58 Braidwood Road
Goulburn 2580
Mr. Stuart Farquharson
Interim CEO
by email
9th December 2024
Dear Mr. Farquharson
This morning I sent you an email which read:
With key names redacted I have begun to post the many letters I have written this past 20+ months in a fruitless attempt to get answers to many questions pertaining to this matter:
When the facts are in the public domain I want anyone who is interested to be able to reassure themselves that multiple attempts to acquire answers have been made.
I will continue to post letters until this matter is brought to a conclusion of some kind and Ms.L , after five years of being pursued by icare, can return as best she can to her normal professional and personal lives.
Later this morning I learned that you intend, with the blessing of the PIC, to force Ms. L. to pay icare $150,000.
As you are well aware, this will result in Ms. L. having to sell her only asset - her home of 40 years. On behalf of icare you have destroyed her career and caused her enormous distress by continuing to pursue a case which you know to be fraudulent.
You are also aware, as is the PIC, that CM is a clever and experienced fraudster who has, himself, tried to bully Ms. L. into giving him money that he was not owed.
You are also aware, as is the PIC, that CM has a history of mental illness and that he threated to kill Ms. L. at one point during the 28 days that he was employed by XXXXXXX.
You are also aware, as is the PIC, that the only evidence of MsL's alleged bullying came from a psychiatrist who never met with Mr. M who spoke with him on the phone once only.
You are also aware, as is the PIC, that Ms. Kerry Haddock lied about the text messages she declared, in her Statement of Reasons, to be undated, when she knew that they were.
I will now post this letter on the internet, with CM's and Ms. L's names redacted.
yours sincerely
James Ricketson
cc. Premier Chris Minns
Personal Injuries Commission
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