Tuesday, February 4, 2025

to Geniere Aplin Chief Executive Officer icare

                                                                 James Ricketson

58 Braidwood Road

Goulburn 2580




Geniere Aplin 

Chief Executive Officer


by email

5th February, 2025


Dear Ms Aplin


re XXXX Pty Ltd v Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (icare)


In the event that neither Chair, John Robertson nor  interim CEO, Stuart Farquharson have brought this matter to your attention, I am writing to you and placing this letter on record, in the public domain  - with some names redacted for the time being - in the hope that you will bring this legal farce to an end immediately.


You will find on my blog documentation of much of what has transpired this past five years in relation to the pursuit, persecution and prosecution of Ms. L by icare - with the blessing of the PIC.


Your predecessors Mr. Harding and Mr. Farquharson have chosen to turn a blind eye to what is clearly a gross miscarriage of justice.


Premier Chris Minns and Attorney General Michael Daley have likewise turned a blind eye to the injustice that has been visited upon Ms. Leonard this past five years. 


This has had a disastrous impact on her professional and personal lives, but this is of no concern to icare, the PIC, the Premier or the Attorney General. They have all stood by as Ms. L was bullied into signing a document and making a payment to icare - despite their knowledge that she has received medical advice NOT to sign any documents at all right now as she is not in a fit mental state to do so.


yours sincerely


James Ricketson

cc Premier Chris Minns

Attorney General Michael Daley




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