Thursday, February 6, 2025

icare and the Personal Injuries Commission guilty of fraud

                                                                  James Ricketson

58 Braidwood Road

Goulburn 2580




Geniere Aplin 

Chief Executive Officer


by email

7th February, 2025


Dear Ms Aplin


re XXXX Pty Ltd v Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (icare)


Following on from my letter to you of 5th February.


After two years of investigations irrefutable evidence of fraud  in this matter is now available to me. This fraud has been committed by icare, with the tacit approval of Judge Phillips and Kerry Haddock at the PIC.


Both icare and the PIC have been aware of the following facts right from the outset of this matter:


- On 8th July 2019 Dr. Brad McKay wrote a report in which he made it clear, just weeks after CMs' supposed suicide attempt (itself a fraud) that M was paranoid and not in a fit state to work for the following three months.


This report was for the benefit of Centrelink, in relation to Mr. Ms' pension.


- On 11th July 2019 Mr. M commenced work at xxx.


- On 15th July 2019 Mr. M informed Dr. Mc Kay that he had been offered 25 hours a week with xxx.


These facts were known to icare when it decided to pursue Ms. L legally. Mr. Butcher should be asked to resign immediately for having perpetrated this fraudulent claim against Ms. L.


Judge Phillips and Ms. Haddock knew these facts when they found against Ms. L - insisting that Mr.M had suffered so badly from bullying at the hands of Ms. L that he would never be able to work again - despite their knowing that on medical advice from Dr. McKay he should never have been working for xxx in the first place.


Judge Phillips and Ms. Haddock should be fired by whoever has the authority to do so - for either incompetence or corruption. Or both.


This is your problem now, Ms. Aplin, and if you are not prepared to rectify it immediately, you too should resign as you are now complicit in this fraud.


yours sincerely


James Ricketson

cc Premier Chris Minns

Attorney General Michael Daley


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