Friday, February 14, 2025

to Geniere Aplin, CEO icare

                                                              James Ricketson

58 Braidwood Road

Goulburn 2580




Geniere Aplin 

Chief Executive Officer


by email

14 th February, 2025


Dear Ms Aplin


re xxxx Pty Ltd v Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (icare)


Following on from my letters to you of 5th and 7th February.


If someone within icare with no vested interest in what has transpired in this matter over the past five years were to look closely at the facts, s/he would come up with the following questions - to add to the many questions I have asked this past two years:


- Did CM really try to kill himself in 2019. He told the police that he did not.


- Why has CM been going to see Dr. McKay once a week for years now? For what purpose? Is this a scam?


- Where does CM acquire the jewellery that he sells online? Are these stolen goods?


Having spent two years looking as closely at this matter as I can, I have come to the conclusion that CM  is a scam artist with a long history of complaints against employers; that both icare and the PIC have known this for years but, having set this legal farce in motion, there would be too much loss of face on the part of various people involved to have to admit, 'We have been conned.'


The end result of this will be, if it is not corrected by yourself, a bill for well over a $1 million over the next decade an d a half - paid to a conman who has gamed the system.


If, by the end of this month, this matter is not brought to a conclusion that is fair, based on verifiable facts, I will feel under no compunction to continue to redact Mr. Ms' name on my blogspot. 


yours sincerely


James Ricketson

cc Premier Chris Minns

Attorney General Michael Daley


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