Thursday, February 20, 2025

Invitation to care CEO Geniere Aplin to be interviewed regarding this matter

                                                                 James Ricketson

58 Braidwood Road

Goulburn 2580




Geniere Aplin 

Chief Executive Officer


by email

21st  February, 2025


Dear Ms Aplin


re xxxx Pty Ltd v Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (icare)


Following on from my letters to you of 5th, 7th and 14th February – to which I have received no response.


Before publishing my article I would like to invite you to participate in an interview regarding this matter at some time in the next two weeks.


Yours sincerely


James Ricketson 


cc Premier Christopher Minns

Attorney General Michael Daley



Friday, February 14, 2025

to Geniere Aplin, CEO icare

                                                              James Ricketson

58 Braidwood Road

Goulburn 2580




Geniere Aplin 

Chief Executive Officer


by email

14 th February, 2025


Dear Ms Aplin


re xxxx Pty Ltd v Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (icare)


Following on from my letters to you of 5th and 7th February.


If someone within icare with no vested interest in what has transpired in this matter over the past five years were to look closely at the facts, s/he would come up with the following questions - to add to the many questions I have asked this past two years:


- Did CM really try to kill himself in 2019. He told the police that he did not.


- Why has CM been going to see Dr. McKay once a week for years now? For what purpose? Is this a scam?


- Where does CM acquire the jewellery that he sells online? Are these stolen goods?


Having spent two years looking as closely at this matter as I can, I have come to the conclusion that CM  is a scam artist with a long history of complaints against employers; that both icare and the PIC have known this for years but, having set this legal farce in motion, there would be too much loss of face on the part of various people involved to have to admit, 'We have been conned.'


The end result of this will be, if it is not corrected by yourself, a bill for well over a $1 million over the next decade an d a half - paid to a conman who has gamed the system.


If, by the end of this month, this matter is not brought to a conclusion that is fair, based on verifiable facts, I will feel under no compunction to continue to redact Mr. Ms' name on my blogspot. 


yours sincerely


James Ricketson

cc Premier Chris Minns

Attorney General Michael Daley


Thursday, February 6, 2025

icare and the Personal Injuries Commission guilty of fraud

                                                                  James Ricketson

58 Braidwood Road

Goulburn 2580




Geniere Aplin 

Chief Executive Officer


by email

7th February, 2025


Dear Ms Aplin


re XXXX Pty Ltd v Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (icare)


Following on from my letter to you of 5th February.


After two years of investigations irrefutable evidence of fraud  in this matter is now available to me. This fraud has been committed by icare, with the tacit approval of Judge Phillips and Kerry Haddock at the PIC.


Both icare and the PIC have been aware of the following facts right from the outset of this matter:


- On 8th July 2019 Dr. Brad McKay wrote a report in which he made it clear, just weeks after CMs' supposed suicide attempt (itself a fraud) that M was paranoid and not in a fit state to work for the following three months.


This report was for the benefit of Centrelink, in relation to Mr. Ms' pension.


- On 11th July 2019 Mr. M commenced work at xxx.


- On 15th July 2019 Mr. M informed Dr. Mc Kay that he had been offered 25 hours a week with xxx.


These facts were known to icare when it decided to pursue Ms. L legally. Mr. Butcher should be asked to resign immediately for having perpetrated this fraudulent claim against Ms. L.


Judge Phillips and Ms. Haddock knew these facts when they found against Ms. L - insisting that Mr.M had suffered so badly from bullying at the hands of Ms. L that he would never be able to work again - despite their knowing that on medical advice from Dr. McKay he should never have been working for xxx in the first place.


Judge Phillips and Ms. Haddock should be fired by whoever has the authority to do so - for either incompetence or corruption. Or both.


This is your problem now, Ms. Aplin, and if you are not prepared to rectify it immediately, you too should resign as you are now complicit in this fraud.


yours sincerely


James Ricketson

cc Premier Chris Minns

Attorney General Michael Daley


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

to Geniere Aplin Chief Executive Officer icare

                                                                 James Ricketson

58 Braidwood Road

Goulburn 2580



Geniere Aplin 

Chief Executive Officer


by email

5th February, 2025


Dear Ms Aplin


re XXXX Pty Ltd v Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (icare)


In the event that neither Chair, John Robertson nor  interim CEO, Stuart Farquharson have brought this matter to your attention, I am writing to you and placing this letter on record, in the public domain  - with some names redacted for the time being - in the hope that you will bring this legal farce to an end immediately.


You will find on my blog documentation of much of what has transpired this past five years in relation to the pursuit, persecution and prosecution of Ms. L by icare - with the blessing of the PIC.


Your predecessors Mr. Harding and Mr. Farquharson have chosen to turn a blind eye to what is clearly a gross miscarriage of justice.


Premier Chris Minns and Attorney General Michael Daley have likewise turned a blind eye to the injustice that has been visited upon Ms. Leonard this past five years. 


This has had a disastrous impact on her professional and personal lives, but this is of no concern to icare, the PIC, the Premier or the Attorney General. They have all stood by as Ms. L was bullied into signing a document and making a payment to icare - despite their knowledge that she has received medical advice NOT to sign any documents at all right now as she is not in a fit mental state to do so.


yours sincerely


James Ricketson

cc Premier Chris Minns

Attorney General Michael Daley




Monday, February 3, 2025

Another letter to Premier Chris Minns


The Hon. Christopher Minns, MP 

Premier of NSW

GPO Box 5341
Sydney NSW 2001                                                               28th Janurary 2025


Dear Premier


Further to my letter of 13th. December 2024, and to the dozen letters I have written prior to that.


It is now more than five years since icare decided to pursue Ms. L legally and turned her life into a living nightmare. 


If only on these grounds alone, surely, some body (or somebody) independent of both icare or the PIC. should step in and start to ask why it has taken this long?


It has come to my attention that PM, Ms. L's lawyer, is pressuring her to sign a document today - despite the fact that he knows full well that Ms L is not in a fit state mentally or emotionally to be signing any legal document at present.


I overheard a conversation on the telephone between Ms. L and Mr. M in which he described Kerry Haddock as 'a friend of mine.'


Is this of no concern? Does it not set some alarm bells ringing?


Of concern also should be the fact that Craig M has identified Ms. L as his employer on his Facebook page. In so doing he has forfeited his right to remain anonymous - as I have, to date in my blog, out of respect for his mental illness. (see attached screenshots of Mr. M' Facebook pages)


Mr M makes it clear on Facebook that he is working and earning money selling various products - including quite expensive jewellery. Is he paying tax on  the money he earns? Is he informing icare of his earnings? Or is he making a fool of icare and the PIC, as he has this past five years with his lies and deception.


And both icare and the PIC are prepared to bankrupt Ms. L and force here to sell her house on the basis of statements made by a con man - with no evidence at all to support his allegations.


If Mr. M succeeds in getting Ms. L to sign away her house, this legal farce is going to hit a new low.


yours sincerely


James Ricketson 


Sunday, January 19, 2025



The Hon. Michael Daley, MP 

NSW Attorney General

GPO Box 5341
Sydney NSW 2001                                                     20th January 2025


Dear Mr Daley


re XXXX Pty Ltd v Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (icare)


Following on from my letter to you dated 18th. December 2024.


I have received neither an acknowledgement of its receipt, nor any response to it.


It seems as though the Office of the Attorney General, as with that of Premier Minns, does not believe that there is anything in this matter that is of concern - not the fact that we are now in the sixth year of what has been a financial and emotional disaster for Ms. L, and not the fact that no evidence has ever been produced that Ms. L bullied Mr. M.


I have uncovered some new aspects of this case that should be of serious concern to you, as Attorney General. You need to take a good hard look at the details of it with one question in mind: 'Has icare followed, adhered to, its own procedural rules and regulations?' I could help you with this, but I am sure (or hope) that there is someone in your office who can do their own research and discover why this case is nothing short of a legal farce.


I am certain if s/he were to deliver to you a report on what has happened here, what is continuing to happen, that you would do whatever you need to bring it to an end and, in the process, consider whether the key players in this legal farce are fit for purpose in the positions they hold in their respective organisations.




James Ricketson