James Ricketson
58 Braidwood Road
Goulburn 2580
The Hon. Christopher Minns, MP
Premier of NSW
GPO Box 5341
Sydney NSW 2001 6th. March 2025
Dear Premier
re xxxx v Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (icare)
Further to the thirteen letters I have written to you regarding this matter.
I read with interest in yesterday’s Australian Financial Review that your government
“intends to cut the growing workers’ compensation bill from psychological injury claims in a reform package it says will rebalance towards prevention.”
This is welcome and long overdue news.
The matter involving CMs’ scamming of icare is one I have written to both yourself and Attorney General Michael Daley about many time this past couple of years.
Other than electronic acknowledgements of receipt, my letters have been ignored. Sources within your government tell me that my letters have not made it to your desk or to that of Michael Daley. This is a pity as I believe that this case - dragging on for over five years now - is a text-book example of how easy it is for an individual to scam the system with a fake psychological injury; a scam that will, in the case of CM, result in ‘workers’ paying him over $1 million in the next couple of decades through their increased premiums.
If your government, if icare and the PIC are serious about ‘prevention’ you really should look closely at this matter. You will be horrified and ask the obvious questions:
“How was CM able to pull off this scam? Why did no-one at icare take a close look at the facts, as opposed to unsupported allegations, ask the obvious questions, and nip this scam in the bud 2 or 3 years ago: bring this legal farce to an end BEFORE pursuing, persecuting and prosecuting AL, destroying her business of 40 + years and causing her several years of emotional and psychological stress – resulting in her now suffering from PTSD and in very real danger of having to sell her only asset – her home – to partially finance CM's scam?
The bulk of the costs of CM’s scam will be borne, of course, by increased premiums paid by workers in coming decades.
This is an easy problem to solve. All that is required is for icare and the PIC to practice due diligence, ask obvious questions of CM and scamsters like him and not accept at face value medical reports such as the ones provided by Dr. Oldtree Clarke and Dr, McKay.
In the case of Dr. Clarke only one question needs to be asked, first up:
How can you assess the mental health of a client you have never met and only spoken with once on the telephone?
In the case of Dr. McKay the opening questions could be:
Why did you tell Michaels, before he started work at Sweet Art, that he could only work for 15 hours a week as a result of his mental health issues, and then support Michaels when he told you (and icare) that he was working full time for Sweety Art?.
Why do you need to see Mr. Michaels every week, s you have for years now?
Once alarm bells ring, and they will, there are many more questions to be asked, as any impartial reader of the relevant documents will realise.
In the meantime, and until you are satisfied that Mr. M has NOT scammed icare and the PIC, as I assert, please cease pressuring Mr. L to keep paying icare and causing her intense financial and emotional stress.
And, when you come to the conclusion, as I am sure you will, that icare, through its own incompetence, has allowed itself too be scammed by Mr. M, repay Ms. L the money she has already paid to the insurer and offer her the sincerest of apologies for its treatment of her this past 5 years.
Yours sincerely
James Ricketson
cc icare
Attorney General Michael Daley
Judge Phillips, Personal Injuries Commission
Daniel Mookhey
Anthony Butcher, Senior Collections Officer, icare
Abigail Boyd